Invited ILAS lecture
Alexander Guterman: Pólya permanent problem: 100 years after
Invited talks
John Holbrook: Hawaiian volcanoes and complete polynomial bounds
Thomas Laffey: Patterned matrices with explicit trace vector and some consequences
Leo Livshits: (Exactly) Paratransitive algebras of linear transformations
Laurent Marcoux: Extending semigroups of partial isometries
Mitja Mastnak: On semitransitivity
Vladimir Müler: On distributionally irregular vectors
Heydar Radjavi: Simultaneous versions of Wielandt's positivity theorem
Leiba Rodman: Numerical ranges of quaternion matrices
Vladimir Troitsky: Multinorms and Banach lattices
Contributed talks
Anita Buckley: Simultaneously self-adjoint sets of matrices
Mikhail Budrevich: Matrix convertibility over finite field
György Gehėr: An elementary proof of Wigner's theorem on quantum
mechanical symmetry transformations
Marko Kandić: Complete decomposability of positive compact operators with positive
Endre Makai: Local and global liftings of analytic families of idempotents in
Banach algebras
Olga Markova: On the length of matrix algebras
Bojan Mohar: On median eigenvalues of graphs
Polona Oblak: The total graphs of finite commutative semirings
Lina Oliveira: The Erdos density theorem revisited
Aljoša Peperko: On the spectrum and the spectral mapping theorem in max algebra
Al Sethuraman: Skew-hermitian skew-commuting matrices and fast-decodability of space-time codes
Helena Šmigoc: Patterns of symmetric matrices that allow all the eigenvalue
multiplicities to be even
Špela Špenko: Identities of matrix algebras
Stephan Weis: Open linear maps and geometry of the numerical range
Presentations at International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics