

All abstracts
Hans Schneider ILAS Lecture
Vladimir Müller: Circles in the spectrum and numerical ranges
Invited talks
Balint Farkas: Wiener's lemma along primes and other subsequences
Alexander Guterman: Krauter conjecture on permanents is true
Dijana Ilišević: On projections arising from isometries with finite spectrum on Banach spaces
Thomas Laffey: On the lengths of some generating sets of matrix algebras
Chi-Kwong Li: Matrix problems in quantum information science
Laurent Marcoux: Vector states on operator semigroups
Mitja Mastnak: Distributing trace
Heydar Radjavi: Simultaneous versions of Perron-Frobenius and Wielandt results
Ahmed Sourour: Sylvester equation in triangular operator algebras
Helena Šmigoc: An equivalence result in the symmetric
nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem
Vladimir Troitsky: Unbounded convergences in vector and Banach lattices
Contributed talks
Anita Buckley: Indecomposable matrices defining plane cubics
Mikhail Budrevich: Extremal non-convertible fully indecomposable (0,1)-matrices
Yorick Hardy: Some open questions about Kronecker quotients
Damjana Kokol Bukovšek: Linear spaces of symmetric nilpotent matrices
Zhening Li: Bounds on tensor norms via tensor partitions
Olga Markova: Length realizability problem for pairs of quasi-commuting matrices
Blaž Mojškerc: Jordan triple product homomorphisms on triangular matrices to and from dimension one
Marko Orel: On matrix theory, graph theory, and finite geometry
Aljoša Peperko: Inequalities on the spectral radius, operator norm and numerical radius of Hadamard weighted geometric mean of positive kernel operators
Bor Plestenjak: Minimal determinantal representations of bivariate polynomials
Rajna Rajić: The Birkhoff--James and Roberts orthogonality in C*-algebras
Klemen Šivic: Dimension of commuting varieties
Stephan Weis: A variation principle for ground spaces
Aljaž Zalar: There are many more positive maps than completely positive maps
